Published papers

Shamova L., Bulgarova B. Attitude and Stance in Discourse in a Bilingual Community. The Case of Present-Day Sociolinguistic Situation in Catalonia, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p.402–423, UK, February 2022.

Shamova L., Delev D. Survey based sociolinguistic research for foreign language domination in the population of Bulgaria with accent on Spanish and Catalan, Scientific works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv. Series А. Public sciences, art and culture. Vol. V, p.72–76, Plovdiv, October 2019.

Bulgarova B.A., Bragina M.A., Bondareva V.V., Zetkina A.V., Zolotykh E.A., Shamova L.D. Mobile technologies, information and communication technologies in the teaching of foreign languages and cultures, 10th International Conference “Science and Technology”, SCIEURO, p.81–90, London, October 2018.

Shamova L, Kanchev I., Delev D. The Bilingual Brain – A Review, Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv – Bulgaria Research Papers, Vol. 55, Book 1, Part В – Languages and Literature, p.7–19, Plovdiv, October 2017.

Shamova L. Catalan elements in the contemporary Spanish language, Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv – Bulgaria Research Papers, Vol. 54, Book 1, Part B – Languages and Literature, p.364–380, Plovdiv, October 2016.

Freixa P., Shamova L. Bulgària, nou membre de la Unió Europea, Les noticies de llengua i treball, UGT Catalunya, No. 25, p.44–47, Barcelona, December 2007.


Upcoming papers

Shamova L., Matanski V. LMoW - Towards new dimensions of linguistic education. 

Shamova L., Ura S. The Music of Words of Japan: the relationship between human language and music. 

Shamova L. Bilingual identity in a Bicultural communities. Three-case study: Okinawa, Catalonia and Plovdiv.