Linguomusicology: The Music of Words


The project "Linguomusicology: The Music of Words" or LMOW started in 2022 as part of Postdoctoral research, patrocinated by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The project's initial phase has been developed at Tokyo College, an Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Tokyo. The main researcher is Dr. Lidiya OKADA (Bulgaria). For the success of this research contributed Dr. OKADA's host-researcher Assoc. Prof. Michael FACIUS (Germany). 

LMOW began by representing unidimensional, bidimensional, and multidimensional lexical fields with music signs. Nevertheless, during the working process, other linguistic categories, such as pronouns, connectors and numbers, were represented in structural fields. 

The purpose of this research is to create a theoretical model for universal basic communication through music signs, including a large number of languages, with a wide range of practical applications. The model's base working languages are Bulgarian, English, Japanese, and Spanish. However, throughout the investigation, the number of languages increased, and there is data from other languages such as Okinawan, Catalan, Mandarin, Turkish, and Italian.

The technical equipment includes a midi controller Komplete Kontrol M32 by Native Instruments, music creation software Ableton Live! 12 Lite, headphones DT240 Pro by Beyerdynamic, and a JBL Flip6 speaker. 

The Methodology is based on: 

  • Scientific literature investigation based on Structural linguistics and Musicology
  • Fieldwork investigations based on sociolinguistic interviews with musical approaches
  • Comparative methods between linguistic and musical structures 
  • Experimental methods in both fields, Linguistics and Music
  • Computer engineering activities, such as the development of web page for users and web application for researchers
  • Model testing by practical applications.


LMOW Scientific Background

LMOW Practical Applications